
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To celebrate valentine's day, I'm going to let you laugh at me

Okay, so I have a test in a couple hours and I have to bring notebook paper. But I'm out of notebook paper, so I have to rip some out of old notebooks. But in the back of one of my notebooks I found some hilarious stuff. Apparently I had it with me once in a concert and was writing stuff to occupy myself. So I am going to share what I found, because I am laughing and maybe some of you poor unfortunate single souls would like a laugh today. (hey, don't be sad. If you had a valentine every year, it would get less fun. Plus, it's a blessing to be single - it's in the Bible. Sorry for the Jesus juke - is that what it's called?)

NOTE: everything in parentheses I wrote today, it's not part of the original

First is this one sentence written 7 times: I want to work out and I want to call mom. (yes, it is written seven times)

Then: I can't see and it's really annoying. But our friend Bryce is here and it makes me happy. Or maybe the other one is Bryce. This is the blonde kid. Last night he looked like he had shaved his head, but he has hair now; of which I am glad, I didn't like the shaved look. (what was I thinking? I have no idea. And I have no recollection of writing this at all, but it's in my handwriting....scary)

And finally, my soliloquy on music: I am in a recital and I am writing to keep my motor self (what in the world?) working. I can only sit still for so long. Listening to music is not an "awake and functioning" activity (again, what??). Maybe it should be? Should music be engaging more of my brain than it is? Maybe I should start solfegging the melody, ha (omgosh - I was a weird person). What is a bolero? I have never heard of that kind of music. It's not very happy. I keep thinking of those weird cowboy neck tie things. Are those boleros? hmm...I'll have to find out (turns out, no, that's a bolo tie). I like that this recital will end with the "Heroic" Polonaise. Good closing piece choice, sir. Wooden birdy

Wow. I am cracking up at myself. Wooden birdy? I have no idea where that came from. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my mind. Obviously I need some help, haha. Happy valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are huh-larious, friend! That is totes awesome ;-) I love you and happy valentines day! Hope you have a great day and remember how much you are loved!!!!
