
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Searching

What a week it's been! For having nothing to do, I sure have not had much down time. Tuesday I was able to go to coffee with another long-time friend. We talked and walked around downtown and laughed a lot. You know, relationships are probably one of the most important things to me. But I really have to work at them, and over the past few years I've been learning what it means to be a good friend and how to have healthy relationships. I feel like I could write a book on my mistakes and things I've learned - but I'm sure that no one would want to read it, haha. The biggest thing that I struggle with is honesty. It is SOOOO much easier for me to hide things than to have to deal with trying to explain my feelings to someone. Especially if I don't like the way I feel, then I really don't want to share that. Anyways, my time that morning was great, and this week has been an exercise in honesty :)

On the job front: nothing has turned up. It seems that my leaving in July is a little bit of a problem, which I did completely expect. But still, I had hope. But now it is slowly leaving me. Tomorrow will be follow-ups and maybe applying to some more places. I would even just love to babysit occasionally! But alas, even that seems to be a closed door. And yep, this is definitely an exercise in trust and I don't like it at all.

I have found that my neighborhood is a wonderful place to run. School is flat as anything, but where we live has some great little hills to run through. Granted, my calves are KILLING me after a run Tuesday and again today. But I am gulping the chocolate milk and pretending that it will help - any excuse to drink chocolate milk works for me! Unfortunately if I don't get a job I won't be joining the swim center for tri-training. I might try to start working in some biking, I just need to check out the family bikes and maybe give them a little tune-up. So for now it's just running, which is convenient because I have needed a lot of head-clearing already and running is perfect for that.

In other news, I went to the library yesterday and got two travel books on Europe and one book on how to pack!! Now to buy those train tickets!

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