
About me!

I think my blog title describes me accurately. “Adventures” - I try to live life adventurously, though that seems to elude me. So this is my attempt at making life an adventure. I have two life mottos: Always be trying a new thing, however small; and friendliness will overcome a thousand awkward situations. Ok, “college student” - Well, yeah. I’m in college. I’m just starting my junior year at a private university. “classical pianist” - I have been playing piano since I was 6, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I absolutely love the classical greats, Bach and Beethoven are my two. But I also love exploring 20 and 21st century music. “Life” – I want to live life intentionally and not waste it. Sure, life is not always happy-go-lucky, but put on a little perspective and us Americans have it pretty good. I try to enjoy the blessings in life (NO COMPLAINING), but also use these abundant resources to pour out Christ’s love to others. And here’s where “Christ” comes in – I believe in the Bible and in Jesus Christ. The Gospel is changing my life and is powerful enough to change yours. This blog will be my musings, thoughts, and narratives. Some posts will be serious, some a little more quirky. Enjoy!