
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Parking meters and kale

Ok! Well my "do one crazy thing a day" goal hasn't been 100% successful, but it's been close. I think we covered up to Monday? Tuesday I think was the non-crazy day. I literally think I did nothing yesterday. I seriously don't know where the time goes - my mind has told my body that it is spring break and it needs to rest! Which is a good thing. Rest is super important to me and this week is definitely a week of very intentional rest. Today I did get up and run. I went to this park near where I'm staying and ran! It was adventurous, and fun. I also caught up with some friends for lunch! They were driving through town so we decided to eat at this hippie pizza place, and it was great. I parked at a parking meter and we talked about how we are adults. This whole college life is weird, but I've decided that instead of feeling like I am in a transitional phase I am going to embrace being an adult. I guess junior year does that to you. Crazy crazy.

Okay, running news. I am SO incredibly sore. sheesh. And it's just my ankles and the lower half of my shins. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and popped my ankle three times in a row. Then I stopped, though I felt like I could have popped it more. Also, I am working on changing my stride because I apparently run badly. My friend is a serious runner and worked in a running store for a while and she has been giving me some advice. Anyways, I don't know how to get my feet to do what they are supposed to do, but I guess it just takes time - and probably I should get good running shoes. Though we know I don't have the money for that right now. Maybe barefoot running is the way to go! It's all the rage right now - and free.

Now to end the rambling...maybe. I will leave you with one last thing. Try kale chips!! Haha. Kale is super good for you, and it's kinda yummy! And kale chips are incredibly easy to make, especially if you buy Kale that is already chopped! Take your kale, toss it with some olive oil, spread it on a baking sheet and add some salt and pepper:

Stick it in the oven at 415 for about 15-20 minutes. You want it to be a little crispy but not too burnt. That's it! The kale shrinks up A LOT though. It always is a nice little surprise to see how much it shrinks up. Oh, it doesn't store well, so make what you will eat and don't have any left overs. I threw out a bunch the first time I tried it because it was oh so disgusting the next day. Here's how mine turned out:

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