
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Untitled ;)

First off, to my friends who check my blog every day, sorry for being such a slacker :) There's something about Christmas break that makes all good intentions fly out the window. It's also amazing how much nothingness happens over break. I've been home about 6 full days now, and I could probably list on one hand the things I've done, haha. Anyways, I have been taking in everything about Christmas. I love catching up with friends and family. There's nothing like the holidays to bring people together. And Christmas movies! They're awesome, except the really cheesy ones. Have you ever noticed how many terrible Christmas movies are out there? Oh man, there are some that I just can't get through. If you want to see some great ideas on how to be a bad parent, or how to be stupid in love, just catch a Christmas movie. Ok, I'm probs being too harsh. I do love good Christmas movies. The other great (and sometimes not great) part of Christmas is the baking. My family has several treats that we bake every year and only at Christmastime. No matter what changes over the years, we can always count on our tastebuds being tingled with the same yummy-ness. This could start a whole other post on traditions and how life changes. Oh how I could wax eloquent, or not so eloquent. But for now I'll leave you with one thought. I recently read a blog post entitled "I learned that being a good person doesn't really matter." Do you let God's grace be completely sufficient for you? I know I don't always. I am so good at following the rules, but it's super hard for my heart to be involved. "Hey God, let me work for you, I can do it!" haha, nope, not how it works. So here's a little encouragement to spend some time basking in God's grace, knowing that you are accepted and loved only because Jesus came (yay Christmas!)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmastime is here!

Well, merry Christmas!! I know, it's a little early. BUT, I just finished finals and it feels like Christmas is here for real! I get to keep saying merry Christmas to people (as well as goodbye), and have had time to think about Christmas gifts, hooray! It is such a delight to find that perfect gift for someone.

Have you ever noticed how ordinary things join in on the Christmas spirit? Things that seem normal and inconspicuous are just chilling there being themselves, then suddenly you notice how Christmasy they are! Anything red and green becomes highly festive. Whether it's team colors, road signs, or your year round decorations. It all screams CHRISTMAS!!!

Also. Since I started college, I've always been bothered by the fact that I feel like I have two separate lives. Going home for break is always a little funny, because I'm completely leaving this world I've made for myself and entering a new world, or rather my old world. But you know what? It's okay. Yes, I feel like I have two different worlds that just don't connect. But it's normal. At this point in my life, I am supposed to have college life and home life. They are supposed to be separate. That doesn't mean I am someone fake when I'm at school or fake when I'm at home. Anyways, just thought I'd share that little revelation. Sometimes its good to just accept your feelings, accept the facts, and deal with them.

One final note - God is good! Always. Always.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So, what first comes to your mind when you hear (or read) this word? To be completely honest, I picture some non-Christian religious practice with someone sitting indian style, thumb and middle fingers touching and chanting "ohmmmmmm". In my mind I don't necessarily think of meditation being a part of my relationship with Christ. However, at Church on Sunday one of our pastors was talking about how it's finals and and it is important that we don't lay our relationship with Christ aside while we are studying. We should keep reading Scripture, spending time in prayer, and meditating. "Wait, you are telling me to meditate?" It was a silly reaction, but what he said surprised me a little. Thinking about it now, it shouldn't have surprised me at all. Meditation should always be present in my life. Psalm 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God. Joshua 1:8 - Meditate on it [Scripture] day and night. Psalm 1:2 - His delight is in the Law of the Lord and on it He meditates day and night. Of course, I knew these verses all along and just sitting and being quiet is something that in my mind (not always in practice), I know it to be a good thing. Not only is meditation important for my Christian walk, it is healthy. Healthy emotionally, physically, mentally. And yes, I'm talking all out meditation. I am choosing to make it a part of my life. And my busy personality really fights it. I sit there wanting to watch the time, or plan out the rest of my day, or often I tell myself I can do something else (like clean) while I meditate. No. No no no. Will you take some time to meditate? It does wonders for your heart and soul. Maybe I'll start doing the indian style, finger thing. Who knows....